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Manu16 06.07.07 16:34:22

I used an "Übersetzer" to write in the "French-Thread" :D

I hope it sounds good and is right, I can't control, I can't speak French. :D

007-Problembaer 06.07.07 16:59:44

Well, one oh your post was wrong, Manu!

j'est -> je suis

Please alter your post because "j'est" isn't good for my eyes!!!

Zahl 06.07.07 17:06:12

Eddie! You can't just kill someone because of the way he looked at you!

Yeah? Why not? Till now, I always let people walk all over me... Just like that stupid dog! He had it coming too!

mist 06.07.07 17:12:39

Fuck of french !!! :fin:

edit: oh wrong thread, can a admin verschieb this into the french thread ?

sk1ll3R 06.07.07 17:19:29

Ev'rythin' written so nicely here, what 'bout da good ol' colloquial style, such as "I'm da kinda G da lil' homies wanna be like...."? ;)

Illuminatus 06.07.07 17:45:34

French just sucks! :fin: English is much better although I´m not good at it. So i won´t come back to theese freds ´cause writig and speaking in German is much more easily :-D

Chief 06.07.07 17:46:47


Zitat von Illuminatus (Post 362019)
is much more easily

It has to be "easier" :fin:

Kopfnicker 06.07.07 18:18:07

Let´s create some more threads like "Der Latein-Fred" or "The Germanthread" (:fin:)

I´m very bad in translating latin and even worse in writing it, but maybe there are some freaky genius-latin-speakers on the spieleplanet. Most of all this thread would be supposed to be a reaction to the French-thread :-D.

Cataphilla 06.07.07 18:41:12

I am studying Latin as well, but translating German sentences to Latin is very very hard to do, so we should dropp it :D

And yes, Ruggle, you can say so.

But there was a mistake in saying "which we hadn't before". It is supposed to be "which we did not have before". Just as a minder ;)

Ruggle 06.07.07 20:17:11

Oh my good, very embarrissing... such a noob mistake :hmpf:

i dont like that some has the necessity to start new topics like "Schwuetzer deutscher thread" or something like that.
I think it is a little bit to muck ( verarschen?!) these topic ( by the way u can tell me when i have to use this that, these and those,i dont really know, it s only luck when i choose the right one).

And what are you doing tonight boys and girls?
i am at home today indeed, cause here is nothing to do this weekend... :(

by the way, i had latin for 4 years as well, it is too hard to translate something in latin...
i ve never done it

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