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Manu16 06.07.07 13:34:55

Der Englischthread!
Englisch ist die Sprache, die in der heutigen Zeit egtl. jeder (?) Schüler lernen muss... Die "Weltsprache", mit Englisch kommt man in anderen Ländern am besten mit den Einwohnern aus.

In diesem Thread wird Englisch geübt.

-Es darf NUR in ENGLISCH gepostet werden!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D


So, now I'll start this thread, how are you? :D

have fun, best regards


Tourgott 06.07.07 13:52:16

this is a thread for ivy :-D

Chief 06.07.07 13:52:19

I'm sick :(.

I have a big "Bronchitis" and last Weekend i had feever :(. And now I'm sitting here for 7days and I did nothing in that time except of bore.

And today I got my school-certificate and it's the worst I ever had.

Timbo 06.07.07 13:56:55

Oh that's not so good...

I'm going to fly to Rome this Sunday with my class. Our "Kursfahrt" starts this Sunday and we're coming back next Friday. We will have so much fun there but it's my first time that I travel by plane. I'm very excited!

Chief 06.07.07 14:00:41

I hope for you that you must not need a "Kotztüte" :-D.

I often had to use one, but then I found a good medicine and since then i never had to use one :).

Timbo 06.07.07 14:06:09

Yeah, I hope so too:D

I have to admit that I'm a bit scared but I think it will we great to fly! I also have some medicine with me:D

Cataphilla 06.07.07 14:09:09

Since I'm studying English recently, I would like to particiapte here, if I'm allowed to. And if you want to, I would even correct your postings, for this would help improving your English skills, wouldn't it?

Best regards,


Jan 06.07.07 14:23:55

Cata, that would be very nice of you .
I think I am a good English writer, but since I game that much, I often write u instead of you, I also did write u some times in my English exercise book :D

Lolo 06.07.07 14:30:44

I think English does not really include this silly language which Ivy speaks.
I would rather call it modern American English ;)
Currently, I try to imagine how great it would be having a French-Thread where you're only allowed to speak French. That would be amazing :)
But unfortunately, there aren't many other guys and girls here who share this passion with me :p

€us 06.07.07 14:40:29

I will drive to Munich, Bavaria, by bus next Monday. It´s our "10er Fahr" and we´ll have much fun there. Next week on Saturday I will be back.

Illuminatus 06.07.07 15:29:06

Oh you poor guys. You still have to go to school. I have my Summerholidays for nerarly 3 Weeks now. All time freetime and noone cares about the time you go to bed ;)

I know, my english is 'under all pig' :-D so please:do not be so hard with me ;)

Manu16 06.07.07 15:35:05

You poor guys :D
I have to work every day. ;)
While you have holiday, I'm sitting in the office (heißt office Büro?).

So, nice holyday to all pupils. :D

Ruggle 06.07.07 15:36:46

Very nice thread, something we didnt have before here.

By the way Lolo, i cant imagine to have such a "fucking"(:P) thread, where i am only allowed to speak french. i had it now for 3 years and i cant say anything^^

During my class exercises in french i have to look up every single word.
After getting back my class exercise, I often dont understand my own words which i had written^^ ( capa, is the sentence correct, can I say it so?)

Fortunately, i could drop french as a school subject :)

Manu16 06.07.07 15:40:33


Zitat von Ruggle
After getting back my class exercise, I often dont understand my own words which i had written^^

The "i" must be "I" :-D

HG 06.07.07 16:09:57

What´s the fuckin´ topic?

Manu16 06.07.07 16:11:57

You can talk about everything in this thread, it's just to learn English. :p

Rule: Only speak English.

Lolo 06.07.07 16:15:06

Now, finally, I opened the French Thread hoping to find some other people who like speaking French :)

Well, see you in the "Sujet Francais" :p

Chief 06.07.07 16:22:08

The French Thread sucks :fin:

Boycott him :-D :fin:

Zahl 06.07.07 16:25:39

ZOMG what happen? Teh thread is evil!

Jan 06.07.07 16:27:23

Hmm, I hope its right French what I wrote in the other Thread :D

Manu16 06.07.07 16:34:22

I used an "Übersetzer" to write in the "French-Thread" :D

I hope it sounds good and is right, I can't control, I can't speak French. :D

007-Problembaer 06.07.07 16:59:44

Well, one oh your post was wrong, Manu!

j'est -> je suis

Please alter your post because "j'est" isn't good for my eyes!!!

Zahl 06.07.07 17:06:12

Eddie! You can't just kill someone because of the way he looked at you!

Yeah? Why not? Till now, I always let people walk all over me... Just like that stupid dog! He had it coming too!

mist 06.07.07 17:12:39

Fuck of french !!! :fin:

edit: oh wrong thread, can a admin verschieb this into the french thread ?

sk1ll3R 06.07.07 17:19:29

Ev'rythin' written so nicely here, what 'bout da good ol' colloquial style, such as "I'm da kinda G da lil' homies wanna be like...."? ;)

Illuminatus 06.07.07 17:45:34

French just sucks! :fin: English is much better although I´m not good at it. So i won´t come back to theese freds ´cause writig and speaking in German is much more easily :-D

Chief 06.07.07 17:46:47


Zitat von Illuminatus (Post 362019)
is much more easily

It has to be "easier" :fin:

Kopfnicker 06.07.07 18:18:07

Let´s create some more threads like "Der Latein-Fred" or "The Germanthread" (:fin:)

I´m very bad in translating latin and even worse in writing it, but maybe there are some freaky genius-latin-speakers on the spieleplanet. Most of all this thread would be supposed to be a reaction to the French-thread :-D.

Cataphilla 06.07.07 18:41:12

I am studying Latin as well, but translating German sentences to Latin is very very hard to do, so we should dropp it :D

And yes, Ruggle, you can say so.

But there was a mistake in saying "which we hadn't before". It is supposed to be "which we did not have before". Just as a minder ;)

Ruggle 06.07.07 20:17:11

Oh my good, very embarrissing... such a noob mistake :hmpf:

i dont like that some has the necessity to start new topics like "Schwuetzer deutscher thread" or something like that.
I think it is a little bit to muck ( verarschen?!) these topic ( by the way u can tell me when i have to use this that, these and those,i dont really know, it s only luck when i choose the right one).

And what are you doing tonight boys and girls?
i am at home today indeed, cause here is nothing to do this weekend... :(

by the way, i had latin for 4 years as well, it is too hard to translate something in latin...
i ve never done it

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