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Alt 06.07.07, 20:17:11
Benutzerbild von Ruggle
Kacklappen :-D
Registriert seit: 06.05.06
Alter: 34
Geschlecht: ♂
Beiträge: 1.822
IRC Zeilen: 542

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Ruggle eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
Oh my good, very embarrissing... such a noob mistake

i dont like that some has the necessity to start new topics like "Schwuetzer deutscher thread" or something like that.
I think it is a little bit to muck ( verarschen?!) these topic ( by the way u can tell me when i have to use this that, these and those,i dont really know, it s only luck when i choose the right one).

And what are you doing tonight boys and girls?
i am at home today indeed, cause here is nothing to do this weekend...

by the way, i had latin for 4 years as well, it is too hard to translate something in latin...
i ve never done it