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Alt 05.01.10, 19:20:22
Benutzerbild von Aragorn
Registriert seit: 09.11.02
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Beiträge: 12.155

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ABC has revealed two brand new promo photos for Lost, featuring the cast in a recreation of the famous Leonardo da Vinci painting "The Last Supper," which depicts the point of the narrative where Jesus announces that one of his Twelve Apostles would betray him. Hmmm. Locke is sitting in the "Jesus" position. What do you think that means?

[ http://c0181301.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/NE3Qa87aBo5b58_1_1.jpg ]

[ http://c0181301.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/NE3Qa87aBo5b58_1_2.jpg ]


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Coke meint: Locke wird auferstehen

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