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Alt 10.10.07, 00:22:35
[TM:U] Trackmania Forever!
Benutzerbild von maphios
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Ich habs gerade frisch auf der TMX Seite gelesen, es kommt anscheinend ein neuer Trackmaniatitel bzw. ein fettes Update auf uns zu !
Heißen wird das ganze Trackmania Forever
Und zwar wurde das "neue" Game im TM-Forum schon am 7.10 angekündigt und zwar von Nadeo. Hier mal der Post
Here I will present the next free releases of Nadeo. There will be a long beta time and I will start to give some places into it soon (on another topic) It is different from other updates because we only work on the program instead of blocks. The goal is to make a robust TrackMania to give it a long life. This is why the operation is called Forever.

Here is the complete list. We worked hard, we like this update at Nadeo. So, remember that instead of making it again bigger, we have decided to make it much stronger.

TrackMania Nations Forever
a new TrackMania Nations in the latest stadium
TrackMania United Forever
a big program update to make it last long on your desktop, such as a nocd and strong anticheat measures.
players of both game will be able to play on Stadium servers
Stunt mode, new tracks, menu work
Cup mode, peer to peer work, dedicated server work, server search
Identified links, text entry, file upload, user comments, search
Trigger conditions, draw triangles, ingame replays
Map revenues from audience, web exchange
Antiboost, unified ladder
Many technical stuff
Nations player fixed login and nickname to avoid abuses, OpenAL, fast exit game, parental lock, networked car sound engine, langage automatic installation, URL dependancies in header, stereoscopic shooter, sound fade in on poping cars, more info on report abuse, php in editor url, big security work, master server optimisation etc.

Reminder: little fixes can occurs during the beta, that should start in November and last for at least two months. It is very important to warn Nadeo during this phase of different issues. Maybe we can solve them. Keep in mind that there is some stuff that are too hard to change and even if they appear small things.

Disclaimer: some stuff is not yet done and could be absent from the release.
Und das beste ist, so stehts zumindest bei TMX:
TrackMania Forever is coming and it is FREE.
Wer den Forum link haben will den gibts hier

Also ich finde das sind tolle Neuigkeiten und ich freu mich auch schon jetzt ein bisschen ! Aber es kommt ja noch eine relativ lange Beta-Phase und das Spiel wird wohl erst nächstes Jahr kommen denke ich. Aber egal, das sind doch mal gute Neuigkeiten!]

"Mich hat der Erfolg von Ikea in Japan nicht überrascht. Den Japanern ist es doch wurst, wenn beim Tisch die Beine fehlen." - Harald Schmidt

Geändert von maphios (10.10.07 um 00:42:34 Uhr)