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Alt 23.12.07, 13:56:42
Benutzerbild von Zahl
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Registriert seit: 29.01.03
Alter: 38
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Beiträge: 11.522
IRC Zeilen: 181312
Quizrunden gewonnen: 76

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Zahl eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
Zitat von Hylis
Xavier should have time to program a brand new mode were everybody play time attack without knowing other players score. And at the end, everybody automatically go spectator to watch the combined best race of every player. Here are the advantages of this mode:
1. You are spectator of you own race, without knowing the results
2. You share the same "event" with other players
3. You can see the cars of all competitors
4. When you win, you are the real star
Klingt sehr genial irgendwie
Sieht bestimmt klasse aus hinterher.
