[20:00] Lottoziehung in 03d 00:00h
[00:00] Songs gespielt gestern: 4
[00:01] Alles Gute an Kopfnicker, jonnn, Klas
[10:40] Post by Manu16 @ 100.000 Beiträge Projekt
[11:24] Post by HG @ 100.000 Beiträge Projekt
[20:00] Lottoziehung in 02d 00:00h
Trackmania Minecraft Andere Spiele
Thema: [TM] 11th TmUF 24h Rennen Auf Thema antworten
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Übersicht (Neuester Beitrag zuerst)
25.02.22 19:11:52
steelworks Ich hab leider keine Zeit Prüfungsphase
25.02.22 15:30:07
killervirus Heute Abend ab 19:00 Uhr ist das 24h Rennen, wenn jemand dort ein paar Maps fahren möchte. Unser Team wird nur zeitweise auf dem Server sein, da wir zu wenig Fahrer sind. Wenn jemand interesse hat einfach mich hier anschreiben oder auf unserem discordserver: https://discordapp.com/invite/5CQRUdV

Server: tmtp://#join=u-unicorns1
NameServer : United Unicorns 24H!
World|Other Countries
09.01.22 16:55:59
steelworks Wird auch Island gefahren?
08.01.22 23:19:25
killervirus SAVE THE DATE: The 13th Edition of the TMU 24h will take place from Feb. 25th @ 7PM CET for 24hr or until all 48 maps are played!

das nächste 24h Rennen steht vor der Tür
30.01.21 22:19:35
killervirus FINAL RESULTS
1st: MEC - 33022
2nd: CMC - 32972
3rd: Revival - 32496
4th: Dunno - 32178
5th: TFS - 31066
6th: dac-sp - 28107
7th: AIRVEN - 25913
8th: LSD - 14343
9th: YEE(Hamster) - 5787

More Detailed Results here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...HtI/edit#gid=0
29.01.21 20:08:59
killervirus Screens von der 2. Map
26.01.21 23:28:11
killervirus Wir werden Freitag ein kleines Team an den Start bringen, wenn jemand lust hat einfach melden oder unseren discordserver besuchen https://discordapp.com/invite/5CQRUdV
13.12.20 22:55:57
killervirus Nach über 6 Jahren wird es wieder ein 24 Stunden Unitedrennen geben, wenn jemand lust hat mitzufahren, einfach hier oder bei mir melden. Wir werden versuchen ein Team zu stellen.

The 12th season of the 24h of TMU will take place On the weekend beginning January Friday 29th @ 19h CET and finish at the same the following day
This tournament consists of driving during 24h, each team being allowed to change its drivers at each map change, so that they can relieve each other on the server.
Organized in a convivial sense in which the fun of being altogether matters more than the performance itself, the 24 hours remain a pretty good opportunity to face highly talented players on challenging maps.

Here are the rules :
- 48 multilaps played during 27' (around 90s-2' each lap), 7 for each environment except one map randomly removed <unsure what this will be atm>. 3' of break/loading/restarts between each race.
- Mappers won't be able to play their own maps.
- On each map it's the top 2 players of each team that will be taken into the results.
- Final ranking will sum those 48 sub-results. If a team does play less than 40 tracks, they won't appear in the ranking.
- No limitations : you can play as many tracks as you wish, and have as many players you want on each of them.
- Currently I'm unsure about team sizes. If we leave unrestricted however, no registration will be required.

I hope to see a lot of you guys for this event!

Event Info:
NameServer : United Unicorns 24H!
World|Other Countries
20.09.14 01:12:46
[TM] 11th TmUF 24h Rennen

Am Freitag den 17.10.2014 startet das nächste Trackmania United 24 Stunden Rennen. Wer hat interesse da mitzufahren? Könnte auch das letzte United Event sein, da es offen ist ob es noch eine FET oder UL geben wird.


The 11th season of the 24h of TMU will take place On the weekend beginning October 17th
This tournament consists of driving during 24h, each team being allowed to change its drivers at each map change, so that they can relieve each other on the server.
Organized in a convivial sense in which the fun of being alltogether matters more than the performance itself, the 24 hours remain a pretty good opportunity to face highly talented players on challenging maps.

Here are the rules :
- 48 multilaps played during 27' (around 2' each lap), 7 for each environment except one map randomly removed (coast this season). 3' of break/loading/restarts between each race.
- All the maps will be played for the first time, and the mappers won't be able to play their own maps.
- On each map it's the average of checkpoints from all team mates that will be taken into account for final results.
- Final ranking will sum those 48 sub-results. If a team does play less than 40 tracks, they won't appear in the ranking.
- No limitations : you can play as many tracks as you wish, and have as many players you want on each of them.
- No registration for this season, you just have to find enough players to play the 48 tracks and wear a single tag for each team.

I'm actually searching for 2 or 3 relays or anyone who wishes to stream. It would be of great help if anyone could manage it during the duration of the competition.

I hope to see a lot of you guys for this event!

Minuit [ http://mecteam.freeforums.org/images/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif ]

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