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[09:45] Post by Manu16 @ 100.000 Beiträge Projekt
Trackmania Minecraft Andere Spiele
Alt 17.03.09, 15:38:33
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Zitat von Lolo
If I were you, I'd watch some English films 24/7. I guess it would be funny to watch the same film like 20 times until you know it by heart in order to speak with the protagonists

Mmhhh good Idea .

Whenever you take a shower or are alone in some room, start to sing an English song as authentic as possible.
I sing every time when I hear music at home which is - at the moment - almost allday long . Now you know, why I'm never in Teamspeck .

To be honest, English is all about sprachgefühl (yep this is according to LEO an English word similar to feel for language). But this sprachgefühl is not easily learned in some days.
It is rather a long-term process in your educational life. Either you accept the language, you practise it in everyday life and adapt more and more to it or you don't waste many thoughts about it and stick with your mother tongue.
This is the easiest way, chosen by most people.
Mmhhh. I accept the English language. Since the fifth class it was always my best language-mark - with a clear gap to the German one . But in the ninth class I had more free lessons in English, I think we got in the hole year just 6 weeks English the rest of the year dropped out . And in the tenth class the new teacher has such a big niveau that the most people of our course - within me - got so bad marks. With the time I was so depressed, deflated and demotivated, that I did not learn really more for the tests or vocabularies. But in the eleventh class it got better and better, but in fact it's not really good, espacially my spoken English.

Maybe you can find some English persons and have a 24h conversation with them. The most important thing is, to speak English for a long time (not two days^^) to get used to it
Yeah, that would be cool. But the only person in my family who understands English is my brother. Unfortunately the next semester/term of the University starts today. But never the less I don't like him very much/ can't loathe him very much.
Alt 17.03.09, 15:50:15
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Maybe you can find some people via internet? You can speak with them via Teamspeak. Its not the same as speaking directly to eachother, but the language is the same

^ das Zitat is auf jeden Fall ausm Zusammenhang gerissen
Alt 17.03.09, 15:58:48
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<DerdummeBLér> Täglich verrückt!
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Manu16 eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
Bonjour... äähm


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w0meniz0r meint: da haben wa gelacht..!

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[ http://www.smilies.4-user.de/include/Huepfen/smilie_hops_165.gif ] [ http://www.smilies.4-user.de/include/Huepfen/smilie_hops_165.gif ]
Alt 17.03.09, 16:12:35
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dgp eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
as lolo said, do watch films!
if you are on the way listen to english rap music

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Zahl meint: or rather kill yourself
Alt 17.03.09, 17:55:44
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sk1ll3R eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
Unfortunately Lolo is right in everything he said, which means there is simply no chance for you to significantly improve your English in two days.

Learning English is a process I can't even properly determine in time units. It's just about getting some feeling for the right "flow" and thus more and more NOT having to think about it conciously. This feeling is best beeing obtained by watching English movies, TV-series, reading English Books (both fiction and technical literature wherever possible) and from time to time trying to speak and express yourself e.g. quite similar to the actors in your favorite movie.

With only less than two days remaining before your exam I can only repeat myself giving you the advice not to contemplate every word that leaves your mouth! Try to relax, take all the confidence you can possibly gain and face the examiner as a friend you are just about to tell a story that happened to you yesterday and not as some superhuman language-machine. Then listen carefully to the questions he asks and think about WHAT you answer, not HOW you answer. This will provide you with much more of a "flow" as long as the exam takes and your teacher will surely remember you speaking quite fluently much more than he remembers every grammatical mistake you made.

Good luck dude, you're gonna make it!

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Timbo stimmt zu: Now that's what I'm talking about!

Zocker, Musiker und Chemiker aus Leidenschaft
Alt 17.03.09, 19:45:30
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Lolo eine Nachricht über Skype™ schicken
I sing every time when I hear music at home which is - at the moment - almost allday long . Now you know, why I'm never in Teamspeck .
Here is my offer: Join us in this famous Teamspeak (to be correct for once) and we'll talk crazy English shit with you

When I'm sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead!
Alt 17.03.09, 20:18:09
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Zitat von Lolo
I sing every time when I hear music at home which is - at the moment - almost allday long . Now you know, why I'm never in Teamspeck .
Here is my offer: Join us in this famous Teamspeak (to be correct for once) and we'll talk crazy English shit with you
Crazy English shit!? I'd love to hear that!

My advice is just kind of another version of Lolo's. You can also watch TV series in english or watch CNN, CNBC or channels like these.

Lord Batman: I used to think that, too. But what have you ever accomplished from there? Besides from scaring a few punks half to death and putting a few more in jail.
Batman: It all adds up.
Lord Batman: Not fast enough. If you really want to make a difference, want to change the system instead of just patching it, you've got to step into the sunlight. Take over, like we did.
Lord Batman: Think about it - a world where there's no crimes. No victims. No pain.
Batman: And no choice! Who elected you, anyway?
Lord Batman: Who elected *you*? The problem with democracy is, it doesn't keep you very safe.
Batman: It has other virtues. But you seem to have forgotten that.
Lord Batman: *I* didn't forget! I just chose peace and security instead.
Batman: You grabbed power!
Lord Batman: And with that power, we've made a world where no eight-year-old boy will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun!
Batman: You win.
Alt 17.03.09, 20:37:35
Benutzerbild von X-ray
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I absolutely agree with what Lolo and Skiller said, language can be split up into vocabulary/knowledge of constructions, idioms etc. and the so-called 'sprachgefühl' Lolo mentioned. For expanding the former, I find extensive texts to be the most useful, preferably diverse ones that deal with a fair amount of subjects, but virtually anything will do. Just pick a topic you're (really!) interested in and make sure to have a dictionary at hand, then look up every word that you cannot guess with the help of the context. And while I prefer watching movies in english rather than put up with inferior dubs, I don't think they're particularly helpful since there's usually too much going on and and regional dialects/informal speech may confuse the hell out of you. Basicly curiosity is your best tool in learning english, you're confronted with a great deal of english in everyday life (be it advertisements, loanwords, lyrics...) and should always ask yourself when encountering something unfamiliar: Do I really understand what I see/hear? Can I think of a synonym or translate that?
Then there's the 'infamous' sprachgefühl, which is basicly how confident you are when speaking without any notes to rely on and how quickly you can link things you know to form correct and meaningful sentences. The only way to get better at this is probably to have conversations or watch others debating, which some teachers seem to ignore entirely in english lessons. I learned mostly via the internet and books, but as Skiller said, it takes a while to get a grasp of it.

ANYWAY, with so little time left I should recommend some things that might be useful right now. I'd resort to reading some short stories by different authors to get into a couple of writing styles/ways of expression and go over the (simple) english grammar as well as a few basic things you learned during the years. Your memory probably contains all you need, it just needs a push. Then you could try to rephrase sentences and see if you can come up with alternative ways to say something, because that's what you'll have to do when you can't think of an essential word/expression while talking. Or call up a friend whenever you feel like it and start telling him all you know about a random topic to see how fast you can collect facts and get them across (at best your friend should define the topic). In the test you'd better take it easy, a language is best spoken intuitively. Just focus on talking reasonably slowly so you have enough time to think of what to say, and try not to repeat yourself. No non-native speaker can avoid occasional language mistakes, never mind them and keep on talking.

That's all the advice I can give you

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sk1ll3R meint: X gonna give it to ya!
Alt 17.03.09, 21:04:30
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Zitat von Chief
So.... One Year has passed. Now I'm in the thirteenth Class and have my verbal high school diploma to do on Thursday Morning. My Problem is, my English is still quite awful .

Can someone give me an Advice, how to learn English in two Days?
1.) Put head between legs
2.) Kiss ass goodbye
Alt 18.03.09, 21:17:54
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So now panic and nervousness increase more and more -.-. Äährm... Can somebody give me a phrase for "Faden verloren" or something like that?

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