[11:58] Post by Manu16 @ 100.000 Beiträge Projekt
[13:47] Post by Aragorn @ 100.000 Beiträge Projekt
[19:52] Post by Manu16 @ 100.000 Beiträge Projekt
[20:00] Lottoziehung in 04d 00:00h
[00:00] Songs gespielt gestern: 0
[00:01] Alles Gute an alipolat
Trackmania Minecraft Andere Spiele
Song of the Day
Children of Bodom
28 mal von 4 Personen gehört
In the silence of darkness, among the shadows of the dead we hear
a wolf howling hungry to wake up children of the graves
Unripe Vengeance! The cult that serves as revenge
has put forward it's fangs to declare a fucking WAR!

Only calmless spirits of corpses are passing by the altars of Bodom
Die SP Charts
Zuletzt gespielt
Die meisten Hörer
Linkin Park - Numb ✓✇1.41334
Linkin Park - In The End ✓✇1.08134
The Bloodhound Gang - The bad touch 52434
Metallica - Nothing Else Matters ✓✎✇1.45632
Linkin Park - Faint ✓✇1.06232
Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit ✓✇89532
Linkin Park - Somewhere I belong ✓✇64732
Billy Talent - Red Flag ✓✇78631
Aerzte - Lasse Redn ✓✇51931
System Of A Down - Chop Suey ✓✇66630
Die fleißigsten Hörer
UserPC MonatPC GesamtLetzte Aktivität
Foultier0197.62807.12.14 14:39:59
Lolo0191.51808.01.16 22:39:42
Ob3rst0110.35022.11.13 20:36:50
killervirus066.68022.05.18 22:41:30
Chief060.08427.03.15 13:52:38
raven057.01302.11.21 12:50:59
PePPeR056.95804.05.13 17:06:28
Dartz4055.71012.01.13 17:24:18
Jules055.35320.04.15 06:16:25
Traube049.33222.07.13 17:09:35
Am meisten gespielt
Metallica - Nothing Else Matters ✓✎✇1.45632
Linkin Park - Numb ✓✇1.41334
Linkin Park - In The End ✓✇1.08134
Linkin Park - From the Inside ✓✇1.08128
Metallica - Enter Sandman ✓✇1.06725
Linkin Park - Lying from You ✓✇1.06328
Linkin Park - Faint ✓✇1.06232
Metallica - The Unforgiven ✓✇1.05622
Rammstein - Sonne ✓✇1.02625
Linkin Park - Figure.09 (Part of Me) ✓✇98625
Die neusten Kommentare
Zahl @ Heartbeats
SniperFred du coole Sau!
Zahl @ Keep on Lying
Und 2024!
Zahl @ Keep on Lying
Lüg du nur weiter, Lüge-Coke
Coke @ Keep on Lying
Nie wieder!
Zahl @ Keep on Lying
Und 2023!
Die beliebtesten Interpreten
Linkin Park106.155
System Of A Down39.932
Pearl Jam39.369
Red Hot Chili Peppers26.303
Papa Roach23.914
Rise Against22.712

Alle Zeitangaben in WEZ +1. Es ist jetzt 08:25:58 Uhr.

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